Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not a Good Day for Sewing

Yesterday was not a good day for sewing. I had intended to get a lot done on the quilt (I've named it "Patches & Four Patches") I'm making for a friend, but...I need to add more four patches and 5" patches. The top isn't wide enough. Of course I didn't have my extra four patches with me so I was at a stand still. "Bummer"... I did acquire another bag full of good scraps (all washed and pressed). I'm going to use my "GO" and cut the smaller pieced into more useable sizes.'s back to Patches & Four Patches...

Today is going to be warm again. I am enjoying the sunshine. It feels sooo good. I need to do some grocery shopping this afternoon. DH is almost out of his cold meat. I did three load of wash this morning and hung the majority of it on the clothes line.

I found out last night that AJ will be graduating from pre-K the middle of June. His "first graduation". How exciting is that??? He is growing up much to fast for this Grama.

I need to get a few things done around here. Take care, Everyone and have a nice day...

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