My day started at 4AM when Grampa woke me up complaining he "didn't feel right". I asked him how he felt and he said he had pain in his back and his chest felt "heavy". I woke up real fast. I grabed the NitroQuick and after an argument from Grampa - I gave him three as directed by his doctor. We did not get the desired results so I told him I was going to call 911. He said "NO" he was not going to the hospital. Welll... We spent the rest of the morning in the emergency room and he was admitted. There was no heart attack, the problem is with his blood presure. One time it is up, the next time it is low. Anyway, Grampa is still in the hospital. Michele and Anthony came to visit his this evening. Anthony is all excited about the stuffed animal parade he is going to be in at his school tomorrow. He starts school in Sept.
I came home about 8 PM. Got a shower and something to eat. Our answering machine has been acting up for a long time so I decided to fix it. I can't do this sort of thing when Grampa is around because he tells me "I don't know what I'm doing". Well -- Guess what -- the answering machine is fixed. I changed the message to something I want on there and not the generic one that he had on there. I also set the time and date so they are correct. I also figured out why the caller ID wasn't working on the phone. The batteries were dead. Tomorrow I am going shopping for some new re-chargable batteries so I can fix that.
It's almost 12PM and I need to get in bed with my book.
Good night...
good job and I understand those guys don't want us to FIX things without thier HELP!