Last night I fnally finished this colorful Expandable Tote Bag for Jean. This evening I took pictures, signed it, and packed it up to go in the mail in the morning.
I went to church this morning, then to work at JoAnn Fabrics this afternoon. Nancy stayed with her Dad. Things were slow at work, so we mostly had a "fun day". I had a chance to show off pictures of a couple of the last bags I made. Small "brag books" were available at half price (.59) so I picked up a couple. Now I have a book to put some of my bag pictures in so I can really show them off.
Here it is after 9:30 already. NO ice cream tonight. We ran out last night. BUMMER.
We will have to settle for milk and cookies. I need to clear off my cuttng table and one sewing machine table and put my scrap fabric away. I will probably start another expandable tote bag this evening - or I may work on AJ's quilt - or I may go to bed early??? I haven't decided.
Take care...